Yorkshire Times
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12:01 AM 24th December 2023

Vacuum-Alternative Hacks To Remove Christmas Tree Pine Needles From Carpets

Photo by Felicia Buitenwerf on Unsplash
Photo by Felicia Buitenwerf on Unsplash
Whether you have a real, or a fake, Christmas tree, the possibility of fallen leaves and branches is always lurking, and with Christmas upon us Online Carpets have provided tips and advice on the most effective ways to remove pine needles from your carpets.

As merry and bright as real Christmas trees may look, their pesky pine needles can be difficult to avoid, especially as they fall onto your carpet and tingle and sting on the bottom of your feet, posing a potential risk to friends, family, and children roaming the halls at Christmas.

With 57% of households in the UK containing a pet, it also poses a serious risk to our furry friends, especially if they are ingested, which can lead to internal puncture damage.

There’s nothing easier than a traditional vacuum, and while this may seem like the best way to remove pine needles from your carpet quickly, these sharp parts of the Christmas tree could jam your vacuum and potentially damage it, doing more harm than good overall.

Here are 5 effective and simple alternative methods for removing Christmas tree pine needles from carpets:

1. Sticky tape

Believe it or not, sticky tape can be an effective way to remove pine needles from your carpet, and uses an everyday item that many will already have in their home.

To do this, you can wrap sticky tape around your hand, with the sticky side facing out, and stamp your hand across the floor to pick up the pine droppings.

It may be recommended to use some strong and thick gloves whilst doing this, as the sharp needles could end up nipping your skin.

2. Lint roller

A lint roller is another way to remove pine needles from your carpet, but may take a lot of replacing.

Simply roll the lint roller across the affected carpet, and the stickiness should pick up the pine needles.

3. Dustpan and brush

A more traditional method of cleaning, a dustpan and brush, is another easy way to clean up the pine needles.

4. Bicarbonate of soda

An unexpected, but highly effective way to remove Christmas tree pine needles, is by using bicarbonate of soda.

Adding this to the carpet where the pine needles are located, and then using a dustpan and brush, or lint roller, makes the above hacks even more effective.

5. Use a tree skirt or alternative

An easy way to quickly remove pine needles from the carpet, is to simply not let them get on the carpet at all.

Many people prefer to include a tree skirt, or rug around their tree, and this makes it easier to remove the pine needles, by simply lifting it up, and pouring it into the bin.

James Higgins, eCommerce Manager at Online Carpets, said:
“The Christmas period brings with it a unique set of challenges, especially concerning the potential damage that pine needles can cause on carpeted surfaces.

"Whilst pine needles on the carpet may be unavoidable for some, taking proactive measures ensures a cleaner living space during the Christmas period.

“By using some of these hacks, we can create a solid foundation for a festive and comfortable environment for ourselves and our loved ones.”

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